Friday 21 October 2011

Feel good.

Not only do I get to feel good about the fact I am currently only a third of a percent of those eligible in England (yes that means only 3 in 1000 are registered as bone marrow donors) I also get a funky blue card to carry around with me. Watch out people of Wolves, I intend to flash it whenever possible and hopefully get a few more joining in.

18 to 40? painless to register, just a quick swab inside the cheek.

What's That!?! 7

OK I know it's the 21st and in the past I would have been posting photos of my garden, but to be honest there isn't alot to show you. I haven't got the hang of year round growing so with the exception of one leek and raspberries which are still growing, still ripening and yet have no flavour, there is nothing to see. I'd like to say next year will be different, but I'll probably fail yet again. Story of my life, a heap of good intentions which inevitably end in either disaster or a bag at the back of the under stairs' cupboard. I wish like Roo and Paula I could actually finish my projects. I mean come on, Paula has been ill and look what she gets done!

Back to the answers to last week's teasers.

An apple and cinnamon teabag. Which makes the old tea strainer rather redundant. I know how it feels.

This week I have at least one easy photo. They might both be easy, who can tell.