Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Cycling made easy? Or pedalling like mad.

Hi again folks!

I've spent a lot of the last year or two trying to ignore myeloma and not the myeloma "crowd" for a couple of reasons, 1) I needed to try and image while my health was good, that I had a normal life. 2) I've been struggling with the addition of kidney failure not related to the myeloma, but requiring me to take time out to be differently ill and to learn a different cycling system, not one of velcade, dex and cyclophosphamide, but one of 4 hr stints on a home dialysis machine which was kindly supplied by my local hospital after 3 weeks training when I got tired of 6-7 hr sessions on the renal dialysis ward. All of this only made possible by the wonderful dedication, help and love of my beautiful wife Lorna who loves sticking great big needles into me on a daily basis :-).

Well, today I have had to jump back on the myeloma bike, as it's the first day of my first new cycles of chemo.

The day started with a trip to New Cross Snowdrop ward at 9am for bloods, then a race back home to get on the dialysis machine in time to race back to Snowdrop at 3pm for my VCD chemo. So yes, I feel like I (sorry..... we) are on our bikes pedalling like mad.

I'm upright because of all of this though, and because of the aforementioned wife who's dedication keeps me so cosseted in support. This I am anxious that the world should know:-).

Now that I am full time back to Myeloma I would like to get back to daily blogging and to chatting and helping in the Myeloma community, so if your out there and see this then drop me a line. I'm also looking forwards to recreating some of the black humour that helps Lorna and I get through by having "to die for" fun and laughter moments, so please don't be offended, laugh with us if you can.

Now where's the link to myeloma friends on facebook................