Thursday, 21 May 2015

21st Century Garden May 2015

The past few days have been so wet here that I feared I might not be able to post photos of my garden, but I awoke at 6 a.m. to beautiful sunshine. By half past seven I had put the bedding in the wash and taken my photos, 

I never know which photo to put first or even if I should have an order, so we'll stick to pot luck.

Capsicum pepper and aubergines

The peppers are now in individual pots. The only surviving broccoli is currently in a pot / trough too, the plants transplanted to the vegetable patch have been eaten along with the cauliflower. 

Vegetable patch


Ripe radishes
The vegetable patch is looking amazingly green despite the losses. The potatoes are sprouting and will soon need to be banked up with more soil. It is the first time I have grown radishes and I am amazed by how quickly they become usable, we have already used them for radish slaw, potato and radish soup eaten some in a salad and even given some away. 

Beans, French and Runner

Just waiting in the house we have beans growing. I don't want to put them out until they are a tiny bit more established and are able to withstand our changeable weather and munching wildlife.



The fruit trees and the strawberry are showing signs that they will be providing food too. Of course that is only possible with the help of hard working bees. It was with the solitary bees in mind that we purchased a small insect hotel last year. As directed we placed it on a wall that was warmed by the early morning sun. 
Insect hotel
 Imagine my surprise when I looked this morning and saw:

Bee resident
What do you mean you can't see it!

We have a lodger!

Changing the subject, well I can't really call Mike a lodger (although.......), Mike is much better than he was. The dialysis doesn't seem to be knocking him back as much as it used to. Fingers crossed it stays that way. (I've probably jinxed myself now!)