Friday, 12 August 2011

Good advice.

Way back at the very start Roo suggested we take up knitting, so I did. After a few false starts I managed to finish my pixie scarf and daughters' fingerless gloves and of course when Mike was day +4 I started the "green" thing. The thing has become my hospital waiting knitting and over the last eight months has grown from this:

to this:

Wait, knit, knit. Fret, knit, knit. Count, knit, knit. Cry, knit, knit. Knit, knit knit. Hour after hour of myeloma and miscellaneous conditions. It'll be alright, knit, knit. This time, knit, knit. But what about? knit, knit. Does anyone else understand? knit, knit. It was only an hour and a half today.

Thank you Ruth x