Saturday, 8 January 2011

The Big Bad Day (+14)

Well folks, this is the day that is the difficult one to write about. Wondering why?
overnight they pumped 2 pints of red cells into my system, I awoke to not feeling sick and not having suffered the runs. I had a hearty appetite that was quelled with cornflakes followed by bacon and plum tomatoes on toast and a pint of coffee. I was given my Antibiotic shots , had lunch, listened to the football, read the paper, still didn't feel sick, stopped taking the loperamide................. Boring old well was I today, and apart from the fact my truelove sat with me all afternoon which was lovely(shoulders up to ears chuft I was), nothing horrible, nasty ,unusual disastrous happened that I could put on here.
Not eeeeven blood results cus they were late taking em. Mind you the doc did say I might go home next week and I can have more visitors tomorrow!
That's all that happened ..............soz :-)