Thursday 7 October 2010

Myeloma Marathon

I don't know what it feels like to have myeloma, I can only speak as a carer.

We are approaching what feels like the final leg of our first marathon to beat myeloma. I hope it is the only one we have to endure, but the chances of that are very slim. Mike has his last Velcade infusion next Monday and then it's off to the QE to make all those delightful final arrangements ready for his SCT. Those of you who have been there, done that, got the T-shirt and have already written the book, don't need me to list the battery of tests, by the time they've finished this round, there will be a whole shelf of tests results on Mike.

Personally I've never been much of a runner. I can't sprint and my long distance running has never been much cop either. I just hope I can finish this race.