Thursday, 30 December 2010

There is no escape!

I was going to entitle the post "5 gold rings" but under the circumstances that might have been taken as extremely bad taste. On day +3 Mike was convinced he was going to avoid the side effects of the 'M'. Yesterday he thought "OK I feel nauseous but I can cope."

Today is a different story. Not only has his nausea turned to actually being sick, but he also woke with a headache. Now to me a headache is simply a niggling pain that I know is there but I can work through or at worst needs 1 paracetamol to cure it. For Mike it is so bad that 2 paracetamol do little to alleviate the pain and until it goes away there is nothing he can do but curl up in a ball and hope.
(I've tried poking him in such situations to see, if like a hedgehog, he will uncurl, but it doesn't seem to work.)

For all those number people out there I thought I'd share some of Mike's numbers.
WBC: 7.0
Platelets: 167
Neutrophils: 6.4

WBC: 1.4
Platelets: 96
Neutrophils: 1.3