Thursday, 20 January 2011

Doldrums, diet and dettol

Toni is a bit fed up too.
To be honest there isn't much happening around here. Poor Mike has had a bit of a bad day and spent it curled up in bed, all that drilling yesterday must have worn him out. It isn't even as if I can cook up a storm as Mike is off most of the food he would usually eat. Cornflakes are out, fruit and fibre is in. No to ham but yes to bacon. One minute bananas are favourite the next it's apples and 30 seconds later clementines. Difficult to shop for when the nearest shop is a good walk away. Mike is clearly struggling mentally with the way he feels, he finds it hard to do nothing all day, but even making himself a cup of tea is too much at times. It could be a long six months for him.

The biggest problem for me is cleaning. I've tried various products with various scents, but so far all of them have made him feel nauseous. No I'm not using them to clean Mike, I use a brillo pad for that. It is incredibly difficult to keep the bathroom sterile when everything upsets his sensitive sense of smell and delicate stomach. I tried getting him to peg his nose, but that wasn't a popular idea.