Friday 7 October 2011

What's That!?! 5

As some kind soul suggested, last week's photo was indeed a nasty patch on Mike's skin, that appeared about six weeks after his SCT. Nothing seemed to help and eventually he was referred to a dermatologist. The only trouble was, that by the time they eventually saw him, the patches had gone away.

So the answer to last week's puzzle was:

A red onion. I didn't have a picture of Mike's patches, but I swear they were very, very similar to the close up from last week.

Talking of Mike, the nice gastro man decided that a course of steroids might help. Although not as bad as dex, they are still making him eat anything not nailed down. It is going to be an expensive six weeks! They seem to be giving him horrendous night cramps too. I wouldn't mind, but his screaming wakes me up. When we saw SB on Monday Mike mentioned the cramps, who said everything looked fine on his bloods and that he didn't think quinine was a good idea given Mike's history.

Look at me rabbiting on about medical stuff when you all came to see what this week's photo is.

I couldn't decide which one to use so I'll have two this week.

Oh and I'm still waiting for homemade gift suggestions.