Tuesday, 12 March 2019

March week two.

So a quick update on what has happened over the last week, apart from the arrival of oxygen. We had a visit from a nurse from the local hospice who in turn referred us to the district nurse. The district nurse came on Saturday and had a long chat with Mike while he was doing his dialysis. He said the team would visit Mike weekly, but Mike said there wasn't really any need for that at the moment so they will be calling him weekly instead until such a time as Mike needs them.

At least I now have a couple of numbers that I can call should I need help, although I'm still a bit in the dark as to what exactly I should call them for. The limbo on that front continues. The hospice nurse asked me how I was feeling about it all, and all I could say was that I was used to the idea. I'm not happy about it, but I am resigned to it. 

Mike is using his time to sort out as many things as he can. He has a builder coming on Thursday to replace the doors he took off many months ago (it has been really strange having no door to hide things behind.) He has arranged to have a greenhouse delivered and installed as he thinks it will make me happy, he wants to leave me knowing I am pottering in the garden and growing my own food. He keeps trying to tell me what to do with myself when he has gone, and I keep telling him I will need some time to work things out for myself. I don't want to be rushing into bad decisions just because I am grieving. 

We still laugh at things and I still cry. We're generally happy in each other's company and I'm spending as much time as I can with him, the housework can wait.