Saturday, 13 March 2010

Rock and Diamond

Hi everyone, just have to say I think it is easier to be the MM sufferer than ever to be a carer, there are so many worries and so much work for carers whereas as a sufferer I only have to take it as it comes, (no
The reason I'm writing this is because I want the whole world to know what a ROCK and a DIAMOND my lovely Lorna is. She is completely unselfish and totally committed to being my salvation, and only occasionally shouts at me when I'm TOTALLY unreasonable.
Now I'm cryin but wot the hell.....I LOVE HER VERY MUCH xxxxxxxxx.

New arrival.

I got home from shopping to find a new resident. With a fair amount of trepidation and fear we opened it's cage. What type of dinosaur would it be? Would it be friendly? The second she saw the box, Toni went nuts.

We did eventually manage to get them to pose nicely together.It would seem Toni has a new best friend.