Mike went to the Day Unit for his dose of Velcade on Friday. As usual they did all the blood tests before hand, just to make sure he still has some left in him to dilute it down. It all looked really promising for a quick get away, the Velcade was there waiting for him, so it was only the formality of the blood work that would cause a delay, and what a delay. An hour and a half later the results came back (it was 5 o'clock by now) and showed that Mike's kidneys were not doing too well (creatinine 166 μmol/L), so he had to sit there for an extra hour having a saline drip and have another blood test this morning.
We got to the ward nice and early (8:30) as requested to collect the blood forms with their "urgent number" on them. We went downstairs to get the blood drawn (no not a pretty picture), took the print out of counts and a sample back up to the ward and then we were told we would have to wait about an hour for the lab to do the kidney function tests, so we might as well go and have a coffee. Back downstairs and into the main hospital to Greggs for coffee and a bacon sandwich.

Now this is where things become really surreal. Mike was due to see his consultant next on May 10, but we received a letter on Saturday changing the appointment to May 17. Oh well we thought, there wasn't much difference and if there was a problem, we'd soon see someone on the ward. So we're standing in the queue at Greggs, waiting for our bacon sandwiches (well buns actually) when who should pop up behind us......... Dr SB himself. He instantly started chatting to Mike about how he was doing, had he got the results for today, how was he feeling now? Mike said he was feeling fine, pointed out that he had been fine before his last Aredia infusion, and asked about whether he should go ahead with the treatment due tomorrow. In essence Mike had a complete consultation. He was given a new dosage of the drugs he is taking and given a new appointment time, all while standing in the queue at Greggs in the middle of the hospital! Bottom line is, you can't get a proper appointment to see him in clinic for at least four weeks, but you can go and buy a coffee and see him straight away! We sat and drank our coffee and laughed until our sides hurt. I'm not sure what it is, but SB has the ability to instantly put us at ease, and have us giggling hysterically at nothing! The contrast between him and his colleague SH is startling, as they say, chalk and cheese.
(Mike's creatinine was 155 μmol/L today and Dr SB has cancelled all Aredia infusions.)