Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Every cloud.

Yesterday Mike went off to have a bone marrow aspirate, Dr B. wants to check what is going on with his bone marrow, whether Mike now has the added benefit of MDS / myelodysplasia / myelodysplastic syndrom and also do some genetic testing on the sample. Mike wasn't looking forward to it, he's only had two before and both were really painful. When I went back to the room to collect him (with wheelchair in tow) he was happy to report that it hadn't been anywhere near as bad, the reason being that he has lost 20 kg since the last one and it is much easier to do on an almost skeletal body (I don't recommend drastic weight loss as a cure for painful BMB!)

Nothing else has changed, the blood he was given made very little difference, his lungs just aren't oxygenating the blood sufficiently, something that is clear to see during dialysis as the blood in the lines has gone from red to a very dark almost black red. We don't have any idea how to improve things, and as yet, nor have the doctors.