Forget Thomas Cook.....they have no idea how to make easy, booking a break away from home ,when compared to Dr. PM at the QE. Perfectly explained in understandable terms, itinerary to die for....pardon the pun.
In other words I've got my SCT lined up for November 2010 and am feeling better knowing what is planned when. just gotta get on with the prep to get there in good fettle!
Feeling homesick already. Don't fancy weeks in bed away from Lorna every night, but if it gives us a life afterwards, then it will be worth it definitely.
In other words I've got my SCT lined up for November 2010 and am feeling better knowing what is planned when. just gotta get on with the prep to get there in good fettle!
Feeling homesick already. Don't fancy weeks in bed away from Lorna every night, but if it gives us a life afterwards, then it will be worth it definitely.
Does anyone have middle of the night Dex dreams, waking up laughing out loud at the thought of their consultant bombing out of the hospital car park in a Dodge Viper (flames painted down the sides), wearing combats and an open faced white helmet with the chin strap done up...... no?......oh well. 

New fridge or faze the kids, no contest....lolxxxx
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