Sunday, 11 December 2016

Peacock superstition.

It's peacock blue week. I should have posted earlier but Mike was off having a central line fitted Wednesday which delayed the dyeing process. The 11 a.m. appointment dragged on until 5 p.m. by the time they had added platelets and an hour long antibiotic!. The dialysis unit also very kindly gave Mike a nasty virus, either man 'flu or the real 'flu (how can you tell the difference ladies?)

We also received a letter from the QE telling Mike to call at noon on the 11th Jan to confirm whether they have a bed. I thought now they have a nice new ward that the date was fixed, apparently not. I have a sneaking suspicion that like last time, treatment may end up being delayed. I hope not, I'm going to look a bit daft walking around bald while Mike is still sporting a full head of hair. :)

I have to confess that I am extremely anxious about the whole SCT. That is a post for another day.

After all four colours I have decided that the bubble gum blue of last week was my favourite, 

We have yet to decide what colour I should be for Christmas.

Friday, 2 December 2016

So blue.

The VCD is over, no more chemo until the Melphalan in January (fingers crossed). Mike's numbers went up, but Dr B. said it was because they are using a new system.  We now have another colour applied to the rainbow unicorn and I am bubblegum blue.

The problem is, it isn't just my hair that is blue. I miss Paula and I know that her comments during our hair raising antics would be humorous and cutting in equal measure. I know people are reading the blog, but they aren't interacting with us. I miss my kids, having someone other than Mike to talk to. I'm worried, not about the SCT itself, but about how I am going to cope alone with looking after Toni and travelling to visit Mike. My mood is down in the depths and I'm struggling to drag myself out. Mike is fed up of me and has told me so.