Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Over my head be it!

Hi again everybody, long time no see. I have been away from the blog hoping to forget about Myeloma for a bit, and while I was away I even jumped off a bridge trying to get away from it.......... well trying to raise some funds for all of us to get away from it at least.....lol. x
While away I have had the pleasure of meeting and hopefully helping a couple of newbies, Ruby, and Jose and wife Salet to gain knowledge of this dreadful Myeloma. I say pleasure because they are lovely lovely people, not because I need the sport if you know what I mean. 

After having waxed lyrical for the last 3 years about how I am so lucky that my Myeloma is on hold and I can continue to live as a swashbuckling swashbuckler and save to travel to see friends, I am now in the rather dubious position where my Consultant Dr. B told my at 4.40 p.m.  on the 24th February 2014 (it would have been 4 p.m. but he was running late so I got a stay) that my paraproteins have popped up at 3 instead of where they were for the last 3 yrs, "less than 2 so undetectable". All  I can say is "shit", pardon the language.

Worse than this is the fact that Dr. B's words obviously went clean over my head, because when he asked me if I was happy to stick to my 3 monthly appointments, I inexplicably said YES and did not give it another thought until waking at 3 a.m. this morning and panicking that I ought have demanded daily  appointments as my right,,,in fact hourly ones or even minute by minute. 

No seriously, if my favourite consultant says 3 months then I will share his optimism.......gladly:-)

There, it's said!