Saturday 10 March 2012

Sandy bear.

 For those of you who read about Buddy's birthday here, this is what Sandy looked like before his long journey northward to the land of giants and killer dogs.


  1. I looked at that bear and thought how much love he must give. I was sad to see his stuffing ripped out and him dead on the floor. LOL! Now I am giggling.

  2. Sandy's not so much dead as severely concussed! He is truly gorgeous anyway! :D

  3. Very cute and apparently Bud found him "good enough to eat." My Lacey does the same thing with everything you give her, though Bud is VERY fast on the disemboweling.

  4. My namesake in shambles? Dear me... glad however that it provided so much entertainment... can just see Bud tossing his head from side to side as he rapturously played!


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