Sunday 5 September 2010

Would this win any prizes?

Well it would seem that elsewhere it is village show time and everyone is busy entering their handiwork into various competitions. (Well done Paula and Susie.) Unfortunately we don't have village shows here in the Black Country, I do however have an entry into the strangest vegetable class:My daughter says everyone will say I photoshopped it... I have no idea how so you'll all have to take my word for it that it grew that way!


  1. I believe you - that could have won a prize - there was a category for weird shaped veg. I saw funny tomato but it wasn't as funny as your courgette! ;D

  2. Micky planted the seed so it was bound to be different.

  3. I tried to paste in a blue ribbon award, but it wouldn't go into this little box... so sorry, but you definitely deserve it... the color of it alone is quite rich and yummy looking!

  4. Definitely a winner and it would have done well in our village Vegetable Show, in the unusual shape category. Looks like a pair of dancing legs - only thing one is fatter than the other - umm come to think of it!!! Such fantastic news on Micky's PP count. Just wonderful.


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